Inventory Full Breakdown

Item Stacking

Showing that items stack and will create a new stack if max stack size is reached.

HUD Widget

Where information for the players health, level, and inventory are found.

PlayerState - Add Item Function

The main function that handles the adding of items into the overall player (inventory) array. 

Click picture to open in new tab for a closer / larger view.

PlayerState Function - Size Check

Basic check to see if a item can be picked up or not.

PlayerState Function - Send to UI

Sends the inventory to the UI (inventory menu UI).

PlayerState Function - Load Inventory

Replaces the old variable (if there was one) with the loaded variable. 

PlayerState Function - Send to PlayerController

Sends the inventory over to the player controller so that the player controller can save this information with it's function. 

PlayerState Function - Remove From Inventory

Function that checks to remove a item either singular from a stack or the whole item.

Inventory Slot Widget

A singular slot that reads from a variable inside of it in order to set things such as icon image, item stack size, and index in inventory.

Inventory Slot Widget - Get & Set Image

Function that reads from the main item variable to pull image brush. If there is none then it will be rendered blank.

Inventory Slot Widget - Get & Set Item Count

Sets the item's count on the inventory slot widget.

Hover Widget

Widget that pulls information from the widget slot to display to user when hovering over a item.

Inventory Slot Widget - Tool Tip

Creates the custom tool tip widget when hovering over a inventory item and feeds the correct information along. 

Inventory Menu Widget

Widget that contains all functions related to UI display of inventory.

Inventory Menu Event - Reference Set

Sets the basic references then fires off the setting of the button array reference.

Inventory Menu Event - Base Population

Two main events that are used when loading or updating the items in the actual inventory. This includes firing off all functions to UI and PC.

Inventory Menu Event - Weight Check

Gets each items weight and performs calculation on it.

Inventory Menu Event - Lock Check

Basic check to see if we clicked to have the inventory window stay or not.

Inventory Menu Event - Flare Functions

Events that trigger the animations for flaring (flashing) the related elements. For example when inventory is too heavy or out of slots.

Inventory Menu Function - Add to UI

Function that is called to populate each button widget slot with the correct information. This also checks each slot for space.

Inventory Menu Function - UI Add & Check

Creates the basic inventory widget buttons (flushes the data). Then populates each one accordingly.

Inventory Menu Function - Calc Weight

Very simple function that creates the weight of each object for display use.

Inventory Menu Function - UI After Loading

Event that populates the UI after loading the inventory from save file.