Stats Menu Images Breakdown

When player uses stat points, they are incremented down from the overall amount until there are none left. 
As the player levels up, they gain points to use on stats.
Stats like haste change other stats like melee damage.
Widget slot stat creation.
Begin play check for loading stats. 
Sends the information of whole stats array to stats widget. Checks for usable stat points and sets button visibility. 
Simple check to see if player has usable stat points.
Function fired off after the player levels. Also checks to see if we are using this in the level system or if (future) refunding points.
Future use for when player is able to reset their stats and re-obtain used stat points.
Stat increment which sends any changed information off to be saved & updates the UI.
Math handle for stats getting calculated. (Not finished)
DoesDamage Actor Component - Showing that stats are being integrated into systems such as the damage system to affect damage output.